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Clubs, Classes & Workshops

Here's a bit more information about some of the clubs and classes that meet at the Centre on a regular basis, as well as upcoming workshops.

Dingwall Art Group  

This is a well established group of friendly artists of varying abilities with a membership of 25 (max). They are a not for profit making concern with their own constitution and committee and regularly have visiting tutors who provide instruction in a wide variety of mediums.

There are 4 terms per year, 2 consisting of 8 weeks (currently at £30 per term) and 2 consisting of 12 weeks (currently at £40 per term). During the summer term members can pay weekly at £4.Members also enjoy the social aspect of the group, such as 'on location' days in the summer and an organised meal out and a Christmas party. The aim is to provide a welcoming and friendly environment in which to learn new techniques, or just to start you on a new path towards enjoying your art.

Gaelic Classes

Friday 9.45- 11.15 am

Advanced Class 

For more information contact Dolina Grant on 01463 702777 or email

Dingwall Wargames Club

A small, informal wargaming club that meets at the Centre every Monday from 7 - 10pm.
Two games are often run and a wide range of historical periods are covered from ancients, medieval, The Civil Wars of 17th century Britain, The Seven Years War, American War of Independenceand the American Civil War, through to The Second World War. New members and visitors are welcome and contact details can be found at

Craft Group

A small informal craft group run by Pat Weymouth that meets every second Wednesday, between 10 am - 12 pm.


Feis Rois

The work of Feis Rois, a traditional music and arts organisation based in Dingwall, takes place year round and extends well beyond Ross Shire.

In addition to an extensive programme of music tuition in local authorities across Scotland, their local young musicians have toured Scotland, the UK and internationally.

Classes in the Community Centre are for adults and it is hoped that whether you are a beginner or a more experienced player, that there will be something to interest you.

Classes are run in other areas too, but at the Centre in Dingwall they run on Tuesday from 4.30 - 6 pm, Thursday from 4 - 9.30pm and Friday from 11.30 am - 1 pm.

Other instrumental and levels of class have been run in the past and consideration would be given to doing so again if there was a demand.

Please get in touch with or find out more by visiting

Yoga & Relaxation

Once a month Jane Campbell holds a 90 minute workshop during which we practice breathing techniques and meditation, to help bring balance and calmness to our bodies and mind. Then we begin the movement part, which is kind, genle and loving to our bodies. This incorporates Sesonal Yoga asana and Chi Kung, with the movement being suitable for nearly everybody, depending on your own injuries or range of movement. Throughout the class Jane imparts seasonal information to help bring ourselves in line with the energy of the current season. The workshop always ends with at least 20 minutes of Guided Relaxation or Yoga Nidra, where you lie back and listen to Jane's voice taking you into a deep state of relaxation. The ideal way to end the working week. 
